04/04/2017 Over the last forty years, entire countries have been stripped of a primary natural resource: trees. Most of this deforestation occurred to make room for agriculture. Yet, in the coming decade, there will be nearly two billion undernourished people.There is a constant pressure to trade more...
01/01/1998 Este Agrodok serve para acompanhar o Agrodok 16 - Agrossilvicultura. As árvores e os arbustos têm papéis importantes nas explorações agrícolas e no meio ambiente. Infelizmente, perdem-se demasiadas árvores, devido ao sobrepastoreio, à recolha excessiva de lenha e à deflorestação. A...
01/01/1998 *Disponible solo en español. Esta colección de 6 libros incluye información sobre: Plantaciones de arboles Bloques Nutricionales Manejo Integrado de Plagas Biodigestor Abonos Organicos Manejo seguro de plauicidas
01/01/2006 Ndjanssang Ricinodendron heudelotii: Field Manual for Extension Workers and Farmers provides information about how to grow theNdjanssang tree where to grow, how to grow, and also propagation details. 20 pages, tables Practical Manual no. 7
01/01/1987 This publication was used in an intensive course in citrus propagation and nursery management. It includes presentations by university researchers and extension horticulturists, state regulatory officials, citrus nurserymen and other industry representatives. 83 pages
01/01/2013 Nursery Management: Tree Propagation and Marketing A Training Manual for Smallholder Farmers and Nursery Operatorsaims to facilitate the learning process by incorporating practical activites that provide better and clearer understanding of the principles involved in nursery establishment and...
01/02/2003 This Manual is the second in a series of readable, well illustrated handbooks about propagating and planting tropical trees.The five Manuals have been designed to provide clear and concise information on how to select, grow, plant and care for tropical trees, in both moist and drier parts of the...